Monday 26 August 2019

Yellow and purple anyone - More practice with points! June 2017

June 2017 - I am hooked on quilting

I love the colours of yellow and in my room at my parents, Mom has a light lilac so I made this queen size for there :) I just love the design my long-arm lady and I chose to add, really makes a difference! 
Note:  Photos have the yellow a lot brighter then it is. 

Placemats for fun...

Next up... a few placemats - practice for  my freehand machine embroidery around the fruit etc. Nice fall colours!

Lets try some fun placemats for Mom - she has red in her kitchen so these will work nicely to add colour to the table.  I made some for our place too... on a placemat roll!

Warm and with much TLC (to someone who had been in a terrible accident)

No details needed, I just did not know how to give comfort and so I made a quilt for the long days at the hospital and to be warm for the many days following at home - a lap quilt.  Used a minky backing.

Hot pad Trivets anyone - Kaffe Faussett colours

Onwards to my next project... Trivets or also know has hot pads for the oven...

Playing around with points and Kaffe Fausset colours (purchased from the Quilt Show Sprint 2018 - went with my friend - hockey and now quilting - Martha Dickie).

A wedding quilt for Andrea and Daniel O'Brien August 2017

Well when you go at it full throttle why not look at a photo and just say OK I CAN DO THIS!  Well this would be my first with biased cuts!  A huge lesson here, I will hedge away from this lol.  The edges of the quilt were all bias so yes they did stretch - I ended up taking out many to cut down (my mistake, I did not know about the bias and stretching when you would sew on to the outside border).  It worked out - I sent it to a long-arm professional from The Quilt Store in Newmarket, it came out stunning!

We took it to the wedding gifted from our family - who knew quilting was so expensive not me!  Mom helped with the cost likley around $450 for materials and batting then $325 for long arm and lots of TLC and cursing :)
(Given to Andrea with some colourfast sheets and instructions). 

Andrea likes Jewel colours, this was all I knew but did love the outcome of the quilt I must say! FOR A BEGINNER!  Oh and I made 2 pillow cases to match.

Getting my courage up... another quilt! Log Cabin pattern lap quilt

Alrighty then, I needed to get some more practice in so I bought the book for Log Cabin patterns and planned to make a lap quilt then for my hubby.  I laid out the blocks  and then sewed them together as directed.  I don't have the photo but this would be the first of many 'to be corrected' misplaced blocks lol  Anyhow I finished the lap size and was very pleased, presented it to Bill and LOL the feedback I received was it was too short for him (he is almost 6' tall and so he could not cover from neck to toes with this size - silly me.  I would research another style and put it on my project list.  In the meantime I was going to tackle making a quilt for my cousin's daughter's wedding!  Why stop at simple!   

But I digress - attaching the photos below... 

I love how it shows off 2 rug hookings my Mom did for me of both our boys sitting in front of their house in Southampton, Ontario (Canada!) overlooking Lake Huron (Jody in the red - you can see Chantry Island and Mike on the left you can see it looks just like him when he would throw rocks) XO! Mom!

Mom and Dad's dog Snoopy along with our Bauer give their approval!

Hitting Reset for a new found love - QUILTING!!! oh boy... Quilt for Jody

Well I was looking online for things and ideas to hook and came upon Pat Sloan - a quilter who posts blocks and how to hints from her blog (and she has since moved on to videos).  I thought hey let's try this again - I took a course years ago with my sister-in-law Laura but it didn't stick. 

So here I go again, BUT BUT BUT I told myself keep it simple - no points!  HAHA right. 

Well my first big (queen size) truly my first attempt to quilt was for our son - he was just finished school and had gone away to Cancun in Feb 2017 for a trip with friends.  I started this project from current fabrics I had, I think it was just after Christmas, and finished it before he was back (1 week away) to put it on his bed for a surprise.  He walked into his room and said Wow which may have been from a clean room shock or the quilt, I will never know!

Sunday 3 February 2019

A Crow is thirsty

October 2017 in our class, Grace stock was working on a small rug for her sister off a drawing. 
I asked for permission to do my version the next class for 2018. She said sure. 
Sadly Grace passed before I started this project which I am certain Grace would approve. 😇

As the story goes the crow was thirsty and could not get to the water in the jug. So they put rocks in to raise the water level and could quench their thirst. I really enjoyed doing this version. (Marge Bruine was our class teacher for “Jugs” theme at Chantry school of Rug a Hooking  2018 - Southampton, Ontario). 

$10 quilt 2017/2018 @ Country Concessions (Cookstown)

Bauer likes the finished product. 
My first real hand made (by machine) quilt. 
I started with my friend Marta Dickie, loved it -oops $$$ hobby!

Giving Comfort

Some lap quilts gifted to Hospice. 
Will give someone lots of peace, warmth and comfort. 

Made to donate this little gem to Richmond Hill Hospice House. November 2018

Another gifted to Hospice with a soft backing :) 54” square 

Smaller gifted but hand embroidered and appliqués on this one. ❤️

A few more I missed in my original post 

 This as well :)